A playful publication that delves into creative graduates struggles and needs, as 'Fish out of water’.

The problem: A need for storytelling and escapism in order for creative graduates to not crumble under the new and everlasting pressures post university.

The aim: To promote a sense of belonging and community amongst graduates, providing a space where they feel genuinely cared for.

- My Roles: Designer - Art Direction - Photographer - Producer - Copywriter - Idea Generation - Concept creation -

- My Skills: Photography - Graphic Design - Publication & Print - Project Management - Adaptability -

The outcome: Issue Zero is to encourage connection, community, and creativity between creative graduates and Just Eat. This will encourage friendships and healthy eating habits, helping wellness.

I discovered that my consumer is willing to be involved in this idea but wouldn’t seek it out therefore I must deliver to them. This will allow self-promotion, escapism, and creative freedom, whilst promoting consumer investment in the brand.


The report outlines a strategy for a campaign aimed at connecting with creative graduates, addressing their struggles, and offering a place of escape, when transitioning from student to graduate. It emphasises humour, relatability, and education to reassure and encourage the consumer. The campaign focuses on friendship meet ups, to open the conversation and prompt creation, supported by the convenience of Just Eat, fitting into busy schedules and its appeal to Gen-Z through previous catchy campaigns. This campaign aims to redirect Just Eat’s advertising towards graduates, making it more inviting, whilst also supporting a demographic that may still be financially struggling, similarly their student days.

- Models: Janis Zube, Rosie Grant, Erin Hill, Hannah Western, Amelie Bradshaw -


People Perceiving People